Alfonso Ribeiro, The actor and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, 47 has revealed that he and his wife Angela are expecting their third baby soon. He has recently posted a picture of his wife on Instagram in which she is posing herself with a blossoming baby bump with her two sons standing in front of her. Two sons have kept the ball underneath their tees which looks like a baby bump. The caption of the family picture posted on Instagram is also very interesting. The couple, as well as their two boys, are quite happy and excited to welcome another baby in their family.
The family is waiting for the new member
They have said that it doesn’t matter to them whether it will be a baby girl or a baby boy, they as well as their sons Alfonso Jr. aged five, and Anders aged three, are eagerly waiting for the baby. Three boys would be great similarly as a team of two boys and a little girl. Though, they have to wait till the spring in the year 2019 to see the baby.
Alfonso already has a daughter from a previous relationship
Along with being a dad of two boys, Alfonso is also a father of a 15 years old daughter Sienna with her previous relationship. Robin Stapler was his ex-wife, and the couple got married in 2002, but in the year 2006, they got separated citing irreconcilable differences.
Angela Unkrich is the second wide of Alfonso Ribeiro
After getting divorced with Robin Stapler, Alfonso got engaged with Angela Unkrich in 2012 and in the same year the couple got married. The couple got blessed with a boy in the year 2013, and they named him Alfonso Jr. popular as AJ. After this, Angela again gave birth to Anders Reyn Ribeiro, his second child, in April 2015.