From the moment you enter Club Biella, you quickly realize that every visit will be just as extraordinary. A sense of tranquility embraces you with the restorative effects of total luxury, enhanced by soothing sounds of water and fragrant aromas. For men and women, Club Biella dedicates 10,000 square feet to the well being of mind, body and soul. From the moment you enter Club Biella, you quickly realize that every visit will be just as extraordinary. A sense of tranquility embraces you with our restorative effects of total luxury, enhanced by soothing sounds of water and fragrant aromas. For men and women, Club Biella dedicates 10,000 square feet to the well being of mind, body and soul.
Club Beilla Spa and Salon services include:
Massage, Facials, Body Wraps & Scrubs, Couples Treatments, Skincare, Hair Design, Nail Treatments (men & women), Spray Tanning, Teeth Whitening, Skin Rejuvenation, Laser Hair Removal, Botox(R), Restylane(R), Microdermabrasion, Bioidentical Hormone Therapy…and so much more.
Discover 10,000 square feet of luxury at Club Biella, including:
Spa: Highly qualified estheticians and therapists offer skilled expertise to help women and men achieve harmony and balance through an array of state-of-the-art spa treatments, including body wraps and treatments, facials, massage, cellulite treatment, and special packages.
- Salon: Our team of talented hair technicians help create each hair design to specifically meet an individual”s personal needs. Indulge in the array of waxing, manicure and pedicure treatments, and makeup application.
- Med Spa: Our medical director, Dr. Scott Fox, and medical estheticians follow a stringent protocol for skin evaluation, consultation and treatment to help each individual achieve dramatic results through skin therapy and rejuvenation treatments. This includes laser hair removal, microdermabasion, skin peels, Visia skin evaluation, Botox(R) and Restylane(R).
Tacoma’s Premier Spa: The only Spa of it’s kind in the Northwest.
The quaint and elegant European village is a tranquil backdrop for an offering of the latest specialized spa servies for women and men, as well as first-class medical aesthetic treatments, hear salon and barber service.
Nurture and beautify your body and inspire your soul through Biella Spas life-changing experiences designed to ease you into a luxurious world of stress-free relaxation beyond your imagination.