Fifty Shades of Grey series has been one of the great escapes into the world of romance since it was aired in the year 2011. After playing the role of Christian Grey, Jamie Dornan has felt that he has become the mega-sex symbol for this series. Unfortunately, in an interview, Jamie Dorman has said that he will not accept the offer for any movie or series like Fifty Shades of Grey. This declaration by Jamie Dornan has disappointed many fans of Fifty Shades of Grey. His statement has come right before the next movie installment.
Jamie has replaced the actor
The actor, Jamie has replaced the actor Charlie Hunnam in the erotic book series, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. He has made it clear that he is not ragging on the trilogy of Fifty Shades of Grey. Although, he is happy with all the positive response which he has got from his fans, but he has committed that he didn’t like everything that came across while shooting the movie and after its release. Probably he is not going to take any such projects in future which give scrutiny and public opinions which are directed at it.
Challenge Jamie has faced in playing Christian Grey
In an interview, Jamie has said that he felt himself, unlike the role he has played in the movie. Although he has carried himself, his physicality, postures and body control in a better way still he is looking for not having the poise.
The news runs around the social media
Some people have used Twitter and Instagram to express their sadness over the withdrawal from Fifty Shades of Grey especially when the things were going on smoothly. All the trolls on the social media have baffled him, and it is being thought as one of the most common reasons for which the actor has made the statement for withdrawal.