Police officers reportedly visited R. Kelly’s apartment on Friday after an anonymous caller claimed he was holding two women hostage.
According to editors at TMZ.com, the Cook County State Attorney’s Office received a tip that Kelly was at his Trump Tower residence in Chicago with the women and he was holding them against their will.
Five officers arrived at the apartment and ordered the singer-songwriter into the other room while they questioned the women.
According to a spokesperson from the Chicago Police Department, both women said they were at the residence voluntarily, and the officers left the apartment.
Editors at TMZ.com have reported that the women in question were Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary, both of whom have had family members claim they have been brainwashed by Kelly.
The 52-year-old was recently featured in the damning docuseries Surviving R. Kelly, which chronicled the decades of sexual misconduct accusations made against the singer.
On the Lifetime series, a number of alleged victims claimed the R&B veteran had been using the location to hold girls and young women captive as part of a purported sex cult.
Kelly has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, but following the Surviving R. Kelly broadcast, prosecutors in Georgia and Illinois launched criminal investigations into his alleged actions.