Big Little Lies is a limited American television series that is premiered on HBO. This series is based on a novel of the same name which is written by Liane Moriarty. The season one of this TV series comprised of seven episodes and it was unbelievably the big hit in the year 2017. In the first series, it was reported that Nichole Kidman will be featuring in this series, however, Shailene Woodley, Adam Scott, Laura Dern, and Zoë Kravitz were in the main lead roles. Many more actors joined the cast later to make this series popular. Nichole Kidman has played the role of Celeste Wright who was an abused wife. She acclaims that it would be quite impossible to get the same cast together again.
Doubt about the next sequel
All the cast of Big Little Lies is basically the actors with the big career. Hence, they all have just one year deal. They have many more projects lined up with them so it would be quite hard for the producers to gather all the cast together for the next season of the series. After the series was aired, it was realized that that the series should be continued. The producers didn’t hold over the contract, so they have to get them all together and renegotiate the contract for the next series of this popular TV series.
The producers of this series Barbara A. Hall and Liane Moriarty were insisted upon creating the season 2 of this series. For this, they have to persuade the writer of the novel to continue with her writing work, but the writer has never got the sequel of the book published. The season 2 of the series is expected to hit the TV screens in the next year, i.e., 2019. Its production already got started in March 2018.