Sex…Spectacular…Entrepreneur… Three words that describe what Spectacular from Pretty Ricky is all about. Today, he’s poised to become a power figure in the business world. He recently recorded a new hit single, started a record label and has multiple businesses he operates and control. Cornelus Postell, from Fever Magazine, recently got an opportunity to speak with the forward-thinking lead singer.
Give us an update on what you been up to lately.
I got my label…Moolah Music Group. We’ve signed our first artist, Compton Menace. We also got him featured on my first single off the new single, “She Don’t Love You,” with Rich Homie Qwan and Tory Lanez. It’s my first solo record and it’s been flying up the charts in the Top 30 every single day. Being independent and seeing that type of movement is amazing to me.
Tell me more about the break-up of the group with Pleasure P leaving the group. How did that happen?
It was really just a legal issue you know. We were going through it with Atlantic Records and going back and forth with a legal situation. It took about 5 years for the case to be settled. Once we were finished with the case, we came out with a new release [at the time], “Tipsy in This Club.” And then we went on vacation afterward.
Everyone was just chilling after that and wasn’t grooving to the music like that. Everyone took time out to spend it with their families. After a while, we decided to come back together with Pleasure P and do another album. So we all got in the studio and started recording the album. Our first release, “Puddles,” was # 1 on the radio station for 30 consecutive days.
At the time we were creating the album, I was also thinking about doing some solo stuff. Everyone in the group is supporting me as I start my solo career. I’ve been in the studio and recorded about 40 songs.
So the relationship with Pleasure P is good now that you all are back together?
Oh yeah. Everybody is great. You know, you go through stuff when you’re young and growing up. You realize that you’re pretty much wasting time and energy with things that are not even relevant. It’s really about family and relationships and spending time with everyone. We all realized that and decided to come back together.
I’ve read somewhere that there were some angry fans that demanded an apology recently. Give more details about what an incident that happened on stage at a concert in New Zealand back in September 2015?
I just think they overreacted. We do that show the same way we do all of our shows worldwide. We have done the same show in Japan, London, all throughout the United States and Australia.
Everybody is not going to like everything you do. We did our same show with different elements for over 5-6 years. Nobody ever complained about it then. So at the end of the day, it is what it is. You can’t make everybody happy.
It wasn’t anybody in the audience complaining. It was one writer for a local TV show. He was there and he felt like he can spin a story on what happened and that’s what he broadcast. He broadcast it to make it look some type of way. If you read the fan comments, [about the broadcast] they were saying how this is what we do.
If you’re a fan of Pretty Ricky, then you know the type of performance you going to see. It wasn’t a surprise. Everybody loved it. At the end of the day, as long as the fans love it, I don’t care about one critic who got the power to post us in a magazine or TV and bash us. I care about the people that count…which are the fans. And that’s love. People paid their money to get in, he got in for free. As long as the people enjoy the show, that’s all I care about.
You also read somewhere that you recently got married. How has living the marriage life is different since the time you were single?
There are blogs that have been putting that out. They just want to make some money off your name or get some traffic for their website. But it’s not true. I’m not married. I’ve been with my girl for 8 years now.
I actually got a relationship book that is coming out soon based on my relationship with her. It speaks about all the ups and downs we’ve been through and how we solved our problems. I’m a strong believer of, “If something works for me, it can work for you.” It might not be the same way that it worked for me. But you can take my same situation and put it in your own way.
Tell me more about some of the action that was going down at the “50 Shades of Spectacular” event you hosted back in February.
Man, it was a wonderful and beautiful party! We spent over $20,000 on that party so it was definitely a top of the line party. We had all the press and celebrities in the building. I revealed my sexual positions chart were I came up with certain positions.
Tell me more about some of the business projects you’re working on now these days.
One of my most interesting projects is a company I’m starting with my brothers called Runway in Paris. We have the jersey that you see in sitcoms and movies and sell them on our site. Like the Space Jam Michael Jordan jersey…we got the comeback Michael Jordan 45 jersey…we have the “Above the Rim” jerseys that Tupac wore in the movie…we got the Kobe Bryant high school jersey. It’s a pretty interesting website. You get all the authentic stuff. All the clothes take three days to ship. All the jerseys are exclusive.
Let me also tell you about my latest business, Adwizar Inc. Basically, we help celebrities grow their social media accounts. We help build a bigger fan base for them by monetizing their advertisement. We have about 100 clients right now after only 8 months of putting everything together.
How did Adwizar Inc. get started?
Well pretty much, I’ve been doing it myself for 8 years myself. A few years ago, I asked a couple of my friends who was following me “are you making money off of your social media?” They answered no. I felt like I was solving a problem by getting the company off the ground.
I basically took Pretty Ricky Facebook page and I did a case study on it. I was looking to see if there was a proven method that was going to be unbreakable on a good scale. I also have a water beverage and a full album I’m coming out with.
Are you doing any charity work lately?
The last thing that I did something was during Christmas time. It was Christmas time when I moved back to Los Angeles. We bought a lot of toys and went out to different neighborhoods including Compton and gave them out. During Thanksgiving, we passed out over 500 turkeys to families. I wish we had more to give out because of the amount of people that came out but we literally bought all the turkeys the store had.
Can you give some words of encouragement to people who wish to have the same success as you’re going through right now?
Honestly, my advice to everybody is just to stay focused. Concentrate on your goals and your dreams. Build the right team around you and keep all your links strong. I mean, you only as strong as your weakest link. One weak person can break the whole chain from everybody. If you got to pull something big, then you got to have everybody strong to pull it together.
Invest in yourself. And don’t let anybody tell you can’t do what you dream about. Everybody who has invented something in the world all got told it was impossible before they even invented it. Make sure you stay on your grind and outwork the next person. You got a dream like everyone else has a dream. So you got to take that first foot forward and make sure that you make it happen.
Work with what you got with the tools that you have. Then you can start upgrading as you go. Once you take the first step, the second step is solid. God gave everybody a gift. You got to find your gift and use it to your advantage and turn it into a business. Then keep going and don’t stop.
How can people find out more information about you and the clothing line?
You can go to www.runwayinparis.com for our jerseys. You can also friend me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/iamspectacular.