PLANO, Tex. – Just as the year is ending, looking back at Samsung news for 2017 opens up a rather good place for the tech giant compared to what it has gone through in 2016.
One of the good Samsung news for 2017 is that there were no Samsung phones that had caught fire or any gadget that exploded. It is definitely something to be thankful for after the debacle that the company faced just last year. In 2016, the Galaxy Note 7 of Samsung faced some problems, and the phone was recalled more than once. It was because of the issue of the device having the risk of catching fire.
At the start of 2017, Samsung apologized for the things that happened the previous year along with its promise to do much better things in the future. The apology from the company seemed to have helped repair its name and reputation.
However, that wasn’t what made Samsung able to reclaim a spot in the technology industry. They kick-started the year with their release in April of the new Galaxy S8 and the S8 Plus version. After that, Samsung was able to regain the status of being the leading smartphone maker.
The Samsung Galaxy S8 did what any latest device could do. It made everyone turn back and forget all that happened with last year’s Note 7. There were also significant reasons for the new S8 from its performance and design, display, as well as excellent camera. It was even considered as the best overall smartphone for 2017.
Early in August this year, Samsung also unveiled the successor of the ill-fated Samsung Note 7, the Galaxy Note 8. Compared to its predecessor, the Note 8 proved to be an excellent device like the Galaxy S8. It features all the functionalities that Samsung believes what makes a Note truly a Note. It includes a bigger device, unapologetic and expensive. It was also in August the tech giant introduced its dual-camera system which allows users to take portrait-mode photos similar to bigger iPhone models.
Another Samsung news this year, but is not as effective as the S8 and Note 8, is their Bixby virtual assistant. It was first featured in the Samsung Galaxy S8 and was also included in the Note 8. The company believed that it could make better things that its dedicated button placed on the side of the smartphones was a testament to that. However, it didn’t prove its worth and uses compared to the Google Assistant. It left the company the choice to disable the button on their phones in the end.
The company’s effort when it comes to TV and PC is less interesting this year. The most prominent Samsung news in this department is the QLED technology the company is still trying to push forward. However, people find it a little inferior to the OLED technology of LG TVs.
Overall, this year seems to be quite confident for Samsung especially when it comes to their product showing after all the negativity it received last year. On the other hand, another Samsung news about Jay Lee, the vice chairman and effective head of the whole conglomerate has been involved in a corruption scandal that even contributed to the South Korean president impeachment.