Julia Roberts, at 56, recently disclosed an intriguing detail about her renowned dress from “Pretty Woman.” In the iconic film, she sported a daring blue-and-white cutout dress by U.K. brand Hunza G, paired with over-the-knee boots and a tied red jacket. In a recent episode of British Vogue’s “Life in Looks,” Roberts unveiled that the outerwear served a purpose – to conceal what she thought was a “big butt.” She candidly admitted the discomfort of the shoes, remarking, “they were really uncomfortable.”
Despite the widespread popularity of the dress, Roberts clarified that wearing revealing ensembles is not her typical style. During the interview, she reminisced about her favorite outfit, an Armani suit worn at the 47th Golden Globes in 1990. Recounting the experience, she humorously recalled venturing into the men’s section and, upon finding the piece, having it tailored to fit. Little did she know that this seemingly “extra” outfit would become a statement piece, expressing her surprise at its iconic status.
Julia Roberts continues to embrace menswear, a facet of her fashion showcased on various red carpets. Describing her style as “chic and effortless,” she collaborates with celebrity fashion expert Elizabeth Stewart, known for styling other prominent figures like Amanda Seyfried, Jessica Chastain, and Viola Davis. Last year, during the promotion of “Leave the World Behind,” Roberts stepped out in Gucci suits, including a pretty-in-pink ensemble with matching shorts and a black version paired with a white button-up shirt, fishnet tights, and heeled loafers.
Roberts, with her enduring charm and evolving style, remains a timeless fashion icon, navigating a balance between the comfort of menswear and the occasional red carpet extravagance.