Sims 5 Video Game – What’s Coming and What Can You Expect

For the past seven years, the expansion packs of the Sims 4 have been enough, but now, the gaming world is ready for the Sims 5 video game.

However, there is limited thing revealed about the newest installment for The Sims franchise, if there is any. Electronic Arts have been tight-lipped if the gaming world could expect the 5th version of the famous video game and when. However, fans think a release is in inevitability. There are also rumors surrounding the Sims 5 video game release, and players are clamoring with their version of the story.

So, check out everything that we know about the Sims 5 video game so far.

When Can You Expect Sims 5 Video Game in the Market?

So far, there isn’t any announcement from EA that the Sims 5 video game will release this year, which is a shame if you are an avid Sims gamer. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any talk about a release date. Most of what you can read online are fans and players wishing to get a glimpse of what the Sims 5 could offer.

The original Sims video game release was in 2000, which got followed by Sims 2 four years later. Five years after that, the third installment debuted. In 2014, another five years later, the most recent version of the video game got released to the public.

Back in January, Andrew Wilson, the chief executive of EA, hinted about the pre-production phase of the fifth installment of the video game during one of the financial briefings of the company.

It is currently the longest that EA hasn’t released another version of the game. 2020 marks the 6th year since they debuted Sims 4. So, if it’s not later this year, fans are saying that EA will most likely be going to debut the Sims 5 video game by early in 2021. That is if you base it on the company’s previous pattern of game releases.

Is There a Sims 5 Trailer Yet?

Without any news about the release of Sims 5 or any hint about it, there is, unfortunately, no official trailer as well. You can expect that one would be available as the release date of the game gets closer.

However, you can find different fan-made trailers of Sims 5 online, which doesn’t necessarily pinpoint what the game would be when it does arrive.

What Is the Plot for the Video Game Going to Be?

EA has been tight-lipped about the fifth installment of the Sims video game. There are no clues and hints about what it’s going to be. However, video game players can expect a lot of competition and social interaction in the new game.

The EA CEO previously hinted during that company’s financial briefing for its quarter three earning that the latest Sims video game could bring both support single and multiplayer functionalities. He also commented that the developers of the video game are planning to add elements from the now obsolete The Sims Online.

Where Can You Possibly Play the Video Game?

Another hot topic about the hopeful release of the Sims 5 video game is its availability in various gaming platforms. Based on the past editions of the video game, the fifth installment would most likely be available on PC before it debuts on your Xbox and PlayStation.

Without any news about the game, there are no clues about whether EA will open it for other consoles as well.

How About Sims 5 Video Game Packs?

The expansion packs of the most recent Sims video game have kept the gaming world entertained for almost six years now. The same thing could be available for the fifth installment of the Sims game.

Expansion Packs

There are currently no announcement about the Sims 5 video game expansion packs. However, if you base it from the previous Sims editions, the Sims 5 would have one as well. Some of the most speculated gameplay additions includes the popular The Sims Seasons, The Sims Pets, and The Sims Careers.

It is also likely that they will include some packs that were previously in The Sims 4, like The Sims Supernatural and The Sims University.

Stuff Packs

There are also no stuff packs announced for Sims 5 just yet. However, previous versions of the video game usually include things like outdoor and home living objects, entertainment, vehicles, and clothing. The most recent Sims 4 has around 16 stuff packs offered. There were also nine packages available in Sims 3. Sims 5 could most likely have that same among of stuff packs during its release or even more.

Game Packs

Any version of the Sims video game always comes with a couple of game packs, so Sims 5 would most likely feature one as well. However, there is currently no news or hints about it yet.

Past game packs for the game included exclusive bars and towns to mysterious new places and even magical realms. If you are an avid Sims gamer, you can expect different variations of its game packs as soon as it gets public.

Will There Be Any Sims 5 Reveal During the EA Play Live?

With the coronavirus pandemic, shows and expos this year faced cancellations. However, EA Play won’t have that as they will hold their game expo in June, although it’s only virtual.

EA expects to display their upcoming video games during the online gaming expo. Fans believe that they could be revealing details about the Sims 5 during the event.

Gaming expos are usually big-time events when developers release news and hints about their games, and the upcoming EA Play Live could be like that for the Sims 5 as well. They may not be showing any full-on trailer just yet. However, gamers expect to get a glimpse of it during the event, especially with its possible release date late this year or in early 2021.

EA already confirmed the digital broadcast of its gaming expo. It will be on June 11, 7:00 pm ET, through the company’s social channels and official website.

The virtual event will primarily focus on some big releases from EA for 2020. It includes NBA Live 21, Madden 21, and Think FIFA 21, among others. As much as fans are looking forward to these releases, most of them are tuning in on the virtual expo to possibly get a glimpse of the new Sims 5 video game.

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