JoJo Siwa, known for her roles in Nickelodeon and “Dance Moms,” recently revealed her struggles with fame on the reality show “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.” During an episode that aired on Fox, Siwa, visibly upset, spoke to Jason Fox and Jovon Quarles, two of the show’s directing staff, about the challenges she faced as a child star. Siwa, at 20 years old, confessed to being overly critical of herself and struggling with insecurity, partly due to growing up under the scrutiny of the internet.
Siwa addressed comments about her receding hairline, explaining it was due to a stress-induced rash, an issue she feels is inappropriate for someone as young as 12. Her change from her iconic ponytail to a shorter haircut last year led to speculation about her hairline, which she attributed in a TikTok video to stress from her time on “Dance Moms.” In the same “Special Forces” episode, she admitted that despite her public persona, she prefers solitude at home, finding it challenging and often unpleasant to venture out in public.
Siwa has been open about her identity, particularly after coming out as pansexual. In a 2021 interview with People magazine, she talked about the backlash she faced over her sexuality and her resolve not to seek approval from those who don’t support her or the LGBTQ community.
In the second season of “Special Forces,” Siwa joins a cast that includes Tom Sandoval from “Vanderpump Rules,” Savannah Chrisley of “Chrisley Knows Best,” and Angela White, also known as Blac Chyna. The show, dubbed a “celebrity social experiment,” subjects its participants to rigorous challenges based on actual Special Forces training. This season’s setting is the winter terrain of New Zealand’s mountains.