The world of entertainment mourns the loss of Mark Margolis, the renowned actor known for his formidable portrayal of the malignant, mute drug cartel figurehead Hector Salamanca in the highly lauded television series “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul.” He passed away at the age of 83, his family shared on Friday, August 4.
Margolis bid his last on Thursday in a medical facility located in New York. He had been battling a brief period of sickness. His wife and offspring were present by his side, as per a released communique.
Bryan Cranston, the acclaimed protagonist of “Breaking Bad,” was among the first to offer his respects. Via his Instagram handle, he shared his heartfelt sorrow at the news of his friend’s departure.
In Cranston’s words, Margolis was not only a gifted performer, but also an extraordinary individual. Behind the scenes, he was a person of warmth and amiability. However, when the camera rolled for “Breaking Bad” and “Your Honor,” he transformed into a chilling and intimidating character.
Bob Odenkirk, the leading actor in the offshoot series “Better Call Saul,” remembered Margolis as an overwhelming figure on screen.
An official handle representing “Breaking Bad” on social media celebrated Margolis’s immense talent. His portrayal of Hector Salamanca, using only his eyes, a bell, and minimal dialogue, made his character one of the most indelible ones in the annals of television history.
On screen, Margolis embodied the role of the Salamanca family’s head. This family is deeply rooted in drug trafficking. After surviving an assassination attempt through poisoning, his character becomes incapacitated by a stroke and is left to communicate through the use of a bell.
Margolis, a Philadelphia native, was born in 1939 and moved to New York with dreams of pursuing acting.
Throughout his career, he successfully made a name for himself as a character actor. He performed in supporting roles in several films such as “Scarface,” “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective,” and “Black Swan,” and also had roles in HBO’s series “Oz.”
In 2012, his work in “Breaking Bad” was recognized, earning him a nomination for an Emmy.
Margolis leaves behind his wife Jacqueline, to whom he had been married for 61 years. His legacy also continues through their only child Morgan, and three grandsons.