Google Home Max Won’t Compromise Sound Quality

In this digital age, wireless audio connectivity for homes flared up over the years with Amazon and Sonos leading the competition. However, the leading tech giants, Google and Microsoft also released their very own smart speakers while Apple is on its way to release such.

Smart speakers are usually inexpensive, since those speakers are excellent when playing music and using it as a virtual assistant.However, it cannot replace the high-end technology. Meanwhile, Sonos provides a wireless speaker systems with high-quality audio.

Google has released its own version of the wireless audio speaker system called the Google Home Max. Currently, it holds the record of being the most expensive speaker. Its features are similar to the Home Mini and Home version in terms of having a real pitch that makes its sound quality excellent.

Google Home Max weighs at around 12 pounds, and the size of it is somehow close to Sonos’ Play: 5 speaker.

However, unlike other speakers, this wireless audio speaker lacks mounting points so users can attach it to their floor stands and wall mounts. Hence, users need to place it on a bookcase or a shelf.

Google Home Max Won’t Compromise Sound Quality

Google Home Max has four drivers.It has two tweeters that measure 0.7 inches, and two woofers with a size of 4.5 inches and it has six amplifiers that are Class-D. Additionally, it has six microphones to pick up voice commands. Other than that, it also has a switch in disabling microphones, a USB Type-C jack which can be used for an Ethernet adapter when using it as a wired network, and a 3.5 mm jack for input when users want to hook a turntable.

Home Max is enclosed by a plastic shell with an internal bracing structure to minimize the speaker’s flex and distortion. It is available in two colors, chalk or charcoal, chalk is white and charcoal is color black. Unlike other speakers, users cannot modify the speaker’s fabric grill.

The speaker includes a rubber pad which sits underneath it to be able to aid in isolating its vibrations on whatever surface users place it on. It is attached to the speakers through magnets and will only work if the Home Max is in a vertical or horizontal position.

In a horizontal orientation, the speaker provides a stereo sound, however, if users turn to the vertical position, it only provides a mono output. The Home Max has an internal sensor that automatically switches its mode and will tell users if they have placed the wireless audio speaker upside down. Two speakers can also be paired in the stereo configuration and the horizontal and vertical modes work together in this way.

The speaker’s control is only a touch strip on the top of it to be used in adjusting its volume and the pause playback. Users can control its volume through voice commands & mobile devices.

The Home Max, standing up to its name, has a sound that is very loud without distorting the music quality. This wireless audio speaker isn’t designed to be a reference speaker not will it produce flat sounds.

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