New World Review: Best MMORPG in the Market to Play

The way to relieve stress is by playing a good video game, whether using a PlayStation, Xbox, or computer. There are many computer games available in the market, and you’ll never run out of genres to try. If you’re into action-adventure or role-playing, there are plenty of computer games to consider. Aside from that, developers continue to introduce new games that you’ll undoubtedly love.

On another note, some games are into MMORPG games. However, these are very uncommon in the market. If you want to try an excellent game to play, here’s the New World review to convince you why it’s an excellent game.

Game Information

  • Released Date: September 28, 2021
  • Developer: Amazon Games Orange County
  • Publisher: Amazon Games
  • Genre: MMORPG
  • Console: Computer


New World doesn’t have a deep story because the game is similar to how Defense of the Ancients or DOTA, but the setting is on a fictional island located in the Atlantic Ocean. This island is Aeternum Island.


The gameplay of this video game is straightforward. If you’re playing it, you’ll form a group that consists of five members, and you’ll join one of its three factions. These are Covenant, Syndicate, and Marauders. While playing this game, you’ll need node resources, along with craft items. Moreover, you’ll gain control over settlements as you explore the world or finish a quest. Aside from that, you’ll also fight other monsters or players.

The gameplay doesn’t involve any auto-locked targeting attacks. You’ll need a steady hand when you aim at an enemy. On every level, you’ll encounter hostile mobs, and these boost complex sequences of attacking performance skill set that will need gamers to fight using stamina, mana, and health. Aside from that, the health attack comes with timed dodges, attacks, retreats, weapon blocks, and crawling stealth. The weapon skill comes with choices for hammer, bow, fire staff, musket, life staff, spear, ice gauntlet, and sword.

Aside from the combat system, there are travel methods, but there are no speed mounts. There’s a skill set for an intermittent speed boost. You can climb or dodge most environmental objectives. Plus, you can also use life staff to cross aerial spaces.

If you enjoy playing games with a PvP combat system, you’ll undoubtedly enjoy this one. You have the choice to select a set of the flagged states before you leave the safe-zone settlement. It activates the state after leaving the place.

When it comes to the economy centers, you’ll use gold coins. You can dispose of unwanted items by trading your stuff between players. You can exchange them for gold coins, and you can salvage the items if you want to make these as resources.


The New World video game comes with many exceptional features that you’ll love, especially if you’re playing on your computer.

One thing that you’ll love about this game is the graphics. If you’re expecting DOTA-like graphics, you got it all wrong. The graphics are exceptional, giving an excellent 3D vibe when you’re playing. It’s like DOTA with a better version, which is why many gamers also admire it. The background is designed with perfection, which will let you enjoy it more. Aside from that, the graphics team did an excellent job in designing the characters. Regardless of any character you select, you’ll enjoy every character you’ll stumble in the game.

The sound effects and music match the graphics of the game. It makes the game more interesting, especially when you’re going on a fight. The combat system adds appeal to the overall gaming experience that the game provides, which is another feature you’ll love about the game.

The combat system is also impressive because there are a lot of weapons and abilities involved. Since you’ll have to pick characters, each game has its special ability when battling enemies. Whether you’re using a sword, a bow and arrow, or other weapons to fight enemies, you’ll have a good time watching how the character moves.

Aside from that combat system, the instructions of the games are easy to understand. Whether you’re a pro or not, all you need to do is follow the instructions, and you can play it.

Lastly, the coin system is not too complicated to understand. The economy center doesn’t complicate things in this game. You can dispose of items with ease through traders if you want to earn gold. It’s unlike other games that need players to spend money to get some coins.


The New World video game is one of the most popular computer games nowadays because of its gameplay. Gamers gave it an outstanding rating even though others think it’s not very fun to play.

The graphics are already impressive because of their 3D style. Most people think it has a 2D-graphics, but you’d be surprised to know that it comes with 3D graphics. The background looks phenomenal, while the design of every character is outstanding. You’ll enjoy playing it more because everything you see is impressive while playing.

The gameplay is also fun because it’s not based on a story at all. If you enjoy fast-paced games, you’ll have a good time playing them. Gamers admire how easy this game is. It may be full of action but controlling the characters is not complicated at all. It’s one reason why many gamers prefer playing it more than DOTA.

Aside from the gameplay, the combat system is also one reason gamers can’t get enough of it. It’s very complex in a fun way because you’ll play it in a group, while you can also select from a wide variety of characters.

On another note, some gamers think it’s boring because it doesn’t have a story at all. Some games prefer to play video games with a deep or fun story in the background. If you’re looking for the same in this video game, the developer didn’t focus on the story at all. It only focused on the combat system.

Nonetheless, if you want a new computer game to play on your computer, you should give the New World a try. It’s very straightforward to play, which is what you need to play during weekends. Aside from that, the graphics will give you a good time.

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